
Thursday 20 August 2015

AS Textiles pre class task

Who is your favourite Artist or Designer?


Your first independent study task/ home work, is to produce a piece of hand written work based on your favourite designer or artist.

  •  If you don’t have a favourite, research some one new, whose work you like.
  • The written piece needs to be approximately 250 words and hand written. (Roughly a side of A4 file paper)
  • You need to include images of the artists work to support what you have written and to help you describe what it is you admire about their work.
  • You may include some factual information about the artist such as dates and where they work etc… but this must be minimal!
  • In your own words, concentrate on why you like/admire their work and describe the effect the work has upon the audience.

  • Below is an example…
    A  designer who I admire, is called Jean Paul Gaultier. He is a French fashion designer who has been at the top of his industry  for approximately 20 years. What I specifically like about Gaultier, is his ability to constantly keep changing his ideas. He reinvents himself each season, giving his clothes a unique identity. He is known for cross dressing his models and promoting a unique form of sexuality to his outfits. This may be described as androgynous, neither clearly a male or a female look. He has this amazing ability to draw on different cultures and feed those ideas into his work all at the same time, creating a fantastic hybrid of ideas. And all of this is done in such a way that the outfits look amazing!


Who do you admire?  Want to be like?  Want to work in the style of? Wish you had thought of that?  Want to work with? Would love to have their job?

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